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 Kaskus Radio Internet Radio

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2 posters

Jumlah posting : 29
Age : 39
Lokasi : Jakarta
Registration date : 07.06.08

Kaskus Radio Internet Radio Empty
PostSubyek: Kaskus Radio Internet Radio   Kaskus Radio Internet Radio Icon_minitimeSat 07 Jun 2008, 08:04

Kaskus Radio

About US

WHO are we?

* Kaskusradio is an Internet base radio existed under the wing of KaskusNetwork - The Largest & NO.1 Indonesian Community
* Indonesian Songs are our mainstream music taking part as an essential homesick remedy essense to many Indonesian people across the globe
* We also support the local Indies by promoting them in our live broadcast.
* Since we are the official Radio of the largest indonesian community, therefore we claim ourselves as The Largest Indonesian Internet Radio
* We promise you the high quality standard of air personality broadcasting within our radio

Radio personality

* We represent the voices of our listener
* Our Listener is our best buddies, we compromise their needs, and unite at the sound of music
* Words make you think a thought, Music makes you feel a feeling. And Without music, life is a journey through a desert


* Where poppers, rockers, jazzers, trancers and hip hoppers unite
* We present all kind of music from a - z with a core mainstream in Indonesian music
* Indies are welcome
* No narrow minded people

Broadcast format
Kaskusradio present music with attitude, Hot/modern Adult contemporary and a unification of current HITS and oldies

Our Audience
- core market :

* cosmopolitan 18 - 35 age range
* Indonesian mates across the globe
* Hip, funky, chick & Trendy people

- wide market :

* 15 - 40 age range
* People from all over the world
* Lifestyle & entertainment aficionados


Nb : Announcer Kita Terbagi diberbagai Benua Di Dunia
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Jumlah posting : 55
Age : 36
Lokasi : DJ Kaskus Radio & [Prisioner of The Town]
Registration date : 07.06.08

Kaskus Radio Internet Radio Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Kaskus Radio Internet Radio   Kaskus Radio Internet Radio Icon_minitimeSun 08 Jun 2008, 19:44

Makannya dengerin terus Kaskus Radio di
kaskus radio powered by kaskus network

Salah satu Acaranya. .
Kaskus Radio Proudly Present ::::: KASKUS BERISIK ::::: ==>klik klo mau mampir

mampir yah. . . malu
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Kaskus Radio Internet Radio
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